Just wanted to say hello! to all and catch up on everyones news today.
I may even do a "Show & tell" too but for now I just want to say hello!
I have been unwell and until this week the doctor was thinking I had pneumonia and seeing as the cough was a problem only for a week I was not so sure.
During this past three weeks I simply had nothing in my head to say and the energy was gone but am feeling back on top of the world so here I am at my computer today and looking forward to catching up with all.
Blessings to those who have wonderful news and to those who find sadness filling their lives and to those also who's lives are as happy and busy as when I last visited you.
Gosh, Lee-ann, I was wondering where you were hiding. I sure hope you are feeling better now. You must pop over and scroll down to get all the scoop on the baby's arrival. Lots of photos up! Cheers and stay well! :D
I had no idea you weren't feeling good. Hopefully you'll be back to your usual self real soon. Take care of yourself. I missed you!
Sorry to hear that you were sooooo under the weather! Glad you're feeling better now! It's good to see you!
Lee-ann - sorry you have been feeling unwell, but very happy that you're now on-top-of-the-world. I hope you'll continue feeling this good for many a long day.
Dearest Lee-ann,
Oh dear, I'm so sorry to hear that you were so unwell...glad to hear, though, that you're now feeling much better:-) There have been so many flus and viruses going on around here lately...I caught it a few weeks ago and still have remnants of the cold. Hope you're having a fabulous weekend:-) xoxo
Lee-Ann..Hey I am so sorry that you have been sick!! I have been gone and did not know that. Boy I hope that you are better. I do not like it when my friends are sick. We have been in Illinois helping our daughter fix her kitchen. Now we are traveling back to Georgia. We have our oldest granddaughter with us. She is 18..Brieanne. Hope to be home tomorrow. Sandy
Oh dear Lee-ann, you didn't mention that when we were talking last week - I suppose you were more concerned about Rob's back. Glad you are feeling better; make sure you stay well for Easter! Did you get to Adelaide? When we saw on tonight's news how hot it was over there, I said to Ken I hoped you two had not driven over there as you'd planned...would have been horrible.
Well, I am so glad I stopped by to see you today and to learn that you're well, not knowing you'd been sick! I've been fortunate this winter with all of the bugs going around, but this week-end something caught up with me. I stayed home today and got a bit of sleep caught up. I hope to be back to work tomorrow. Sorry you were so sick so long!
Hi LeeAnn - I sure hope you are on the mend now. Take care. Weather will be icky soon for you (right???) and then you will be stuck inside too much.
I hope you are well soon and back to blogging.
Glad to see you back. I was wondering what had happened to you. Sorry you have been ill.
Hang in there! I hope you will be feeling better soon.
Be blessed,
I'm so sorry to hear that you've been ill Lee-Ann, glad you are feeling so much better now. I've been struggling for inspiration for blog posts too but am hoping that the arrival of Spring will make a difference. Take care.
Hi Lee-Ann, So sorry to hear you haven been well. Well I want to wish you a very speedy recoverery from that nasty bug youve had.... Take care, Jen
Hello Lee-ann. So sorry to hear you were unwell, but glad you're feeling back on top again.
That little birthday girl is looking adorable and the party looked like a rollicking good time! Good on you Grammy for having a go rolling around in balls. You're a good sport!
I hope you had a wonderful Easter with your family.
So sorry to hear that you were not well. Those flu and viruses can really knock you down for weeks. Hope you get back to feeling great soon.
Hi Lee-ann, are you okay? It's been such a long time since we've heard from/about you! I pop over periodically and still no word. I'm starting to worry. Be well. :D
Dropping in again lee-ann to see how you are. Blessings, Annie
I have been wondering where you are...I am so sorry to hear that you have been sick. I just hope that you are better today..Please let me know.
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