I love very much all vintage kitchenalia and use them all! the jadite is from America and it is so wonderful I often wonder who loved them before me.
Yes collecting "cook books" the older the better and well green depression glass is a must have in an old miners cottage kitchen! (smiles)
My husbands passion is the sea! and boats so I like to add them into our decor after all he lives here too! :o) One of our daughters and family gave Rob this and another for his birthday they are very old and beautiful, He was thrilled with them.
Being able to share these photos will make the packing easy now! and the unpacking will be done in our home when it is then twice the size with lots more room for the family to visit and for the grandchildren to rush around in. However there will always be little corners in my oldfashioned vintage kitchen.
I love your china and glass collections, Lee-ann. I recognize a lot of your pieces from my Grandma's collection. I saw many of them in her kitchen as a child. :-)
Thank you for visiting my blog and taking time to comment. It's always nice to make new blogging friends, and I look forward to becoming better acquainted. :-)
Nicole thank you for the kind comments on the photos - I think the depression glass is found in many grandmothers from the past or even just grannys like me lol lol cupboards today, It is from the 1940-50s and very collectable but getting rather expensive to buy.
lenadianajennings.....thank you so much for visiting my blog I very much enjoyed yours.
Hi Lee-ann, thanks for dropping by "the grove" :)
I love all your kitchenalia - just lovely. Thanks for sharing :)
So nice to have you visit my blog. I love new visitors and so am so happy to get to know you too. You sound like a busy woman with some of the same interests as myself. We are both grandmothers I see and both like our tea.
Thanks for taking your time to visit me. Come back anytime.
Hi Lee-ann. Thanks for visiting. Hope to see you back soon.
So what exactly are you going to be renovating in the kitchen? Your vintage collection looks keen, especailly the unique beehives. Now old cookbooks are something we have in common (I have my grandmothers from when she got married ... complete with little pressed flowers tucked inside and a few recipes she cut out of the newspaper in the 1950's). One of my favorites to read is, "The White House Cookbook" from the late 1880's (a reprint ... yes, the actualy White House as in presidential home in the USA). It has recipes for poultice remedies and toothaches! Please post pictures of your progress ... looking forward to checking back.
Thank you for the very kind comments you left on my blog. I have just had a quick browse on your blog. I do love your honey pots in the shape of beehives, I keep scouring charity shops for them, just missed one the other day, but know one will turn up sometime. I am very envious of the fact you have some real bees. That and hens are the only things that are missing in my country life, due to lack of space, But I have just got to know a beeman through the Local History Group I run. Love xx
Thank you so much for visiting my blog because now I've found yours.... and I love it! Love your home, all your little bits and pieces you've shared, all the little stories about your life. I have enjoyed my visit here and will return.
Lee-ann, thanks for checking in on Randy. lol
Had a great read through your site- lovely wee grandchildren and kids.
You'd love it over here in Scotland- a great rattle throught the second-hand shops and l just know you'd find something you like for your kitchen. Handy having the kitchen photos- after the work is done you can put it all back the exact same! lol
Lee-Ann...Thanks so much for visiting my blog! I am happy to find you! I will be seeing you often! Your kitchen "stuff" is great!
A very nice colletion...congratulations on the new house...I know how you would feel being able to have more room for the young ones to run around in...when my grandkids were here last, this small apartment seemed even smaller!!
Hi Lee-Ann! Oh you have a delightful blog! I love your bee hive collection! Your kitchen looks so warm and cozy! So many pretty things too! Thanks for leaving a nice comment on my blog. Best Wishes, KansasRose Jenny
Thanks for popping into the funny bone,nice when I get new visitors.Love all the pictures of your nik-naks. I love to collect tins, old biscuit tins etc. Have some nice ones packed away for the kids used to pinch them to keep their crayons etc lol.
Will be back again if you don't mind and congrats to all on the new baby. Enjoy that new baby smell cause before you know it they are teenagers : (
Hi Lee Ann,
Thanks for visiting me. I'm glad I came here to your blog as I can see we have many things in common! You are starting a kitchen renovation? My husband and I just finished ours! (pictures are in my blog!)
I'll visit you again soon!
Lee-Ann, thanks for visiting my blog and thanks for the lovely comments. I see we share a love of beautiful things for the kitchen. I think I need a room just to show off some of my glassware and woodenware. My sister started me off collecting amberina glass (red) and I have expanded the numbers until I have no place else to put things. I will bookmark your blog and come visit you again. Take care.
What beautiful dishes...I love any kind of dishes from a different era and yours are really gorgeous. I have quite a few pieces of my grandma's set of good dishes and I have it displayed on a shelf unit in my kitchen. Good luck with the renovations and you sure will enjoy having more space:-)
Hello Lee-ann ~~ Nice to meet you, and you are not too far away. I lived in Nathalia for 27 years and have been in Shepparton for 25 years, so know both well. Thank you so much for your lovely comments and I enjoyed your blog also. You have some beautiful treasures that you have shown us. My mother and both my husbands are buried in Nathalia. Your uncle lived to a great age. I will be back to visit your blog. Take care, Merle
Hello to all you lovely ladies. It is so very kind of you to come and visit my blog, All the blogs I visited today were wonderful and I thank very much those ladies who have dropped in here in return.
We are so lucky to have this opportunity to be able to gather together and chat awhile or even visit each others homes like this.
I am so pleased to have such friendly faces look out at me now on this post a comment.
best wishes to you all my dear new friends from around the world and down the road a bit! :o)
Hi Lee-ann,
It was so nice to get your comments on my post. I had to come over and see you, and I can hardly beleive how many things we have in common. I live in "Cherry Tree Cottage, have just renovated my kitchen, love collecting, especially china and depression glass, have always yearned to have a christmas shop, (one has now opened here in Bridgetown), have a keen interest in the Amish, by the way the community is in Nabiac on the pacific highway, if you google Amish in Australia, you will find a very interesting article about them, fighting to stop being deported, which is beyond belief, in this crazy world with so much violence, why would you deport such peace loving people.
Enough for now,
hugs jacqui
Hi Lee-Ann. Thanks for visiting my blog.
I love your photos and some of the pieces you have look very old. Yes, memories from the past, aren't they?
Good luck with the renovations.
Hi Lee-Ann
Thanks for visiting my blog. Your things are just lovely, particularly the honey pots! I collect vintage housekeeping books too and I hope to post some extracts from my newest one as soon as possible. I really like your blog, by the way.
Lovely nostalgic pieces. Thanks for sharing these photos. Wishing you the best of luck that your renovations will go smoothly. That's quite an undertaking. I have a green depression glass butter dish, but unfortunately the top got broken.
Thanks for visiting and leaving such nice comments on my blog :)
Such a lovely vintage collections you have!
Fascinating collection, Lee-ann, and thanks for inviting us into your home.
For your U.S. readers, you might want to post your bookcase photo again with an explanation of the doiley with a crocheted top weighted down with beads, which is on the milk jug. I had never seen anything like that in the U.S. - great for keeping the flies out of the milk.
Lots of luck with your renovations.
And well done on all the comments you got for this post!
Hi Lee-ann, I've come to visit via Ann at rocrebelgranny, isn't it great - so many familiar 'faces' in here. I am still fairly new and looking for 'Aussie' elderbloggers for my blogroll (turningsixty) - do you mind if I add you?
And - talk about shared interets - my partner has discovered buying china bits and pieces on EBay! He has some beautiful things, and bought me a pair of lovely Deruta vases for my birthday in May.
I think it is Deruta, he is trying to teach me about these things.
thanks for the lovely pictures.
Hello everyone I am just thrilled you have all come to visit and I will be taking another visit to you all very soon.
Thank you for the lovely comments and chats about our little kitchen corners and I see there are many who love the "busy bee hives" as one of our gandsons calls them, he keeps looking inside expecting to see bees I am sure!
It is lovely also to see new faces and others I have shared a little chat or two with before. I am so pleased to call you all my blog friends
thank you so much for making this post a very happy one for me.
best wishes to all on this very cold! very wet! winters night.
Hello Lee-ann and thanks for dropping in at my blog. I'll be sure to yell out a big hello as we pass Kennebunkport on our way to the northern Maine coast! :)
I am so in love with your kitchen! You and I have the same tastes so I know I would feel right at home sitting and reading your cookbooks! LOL
Barbara :o) thans for that they will hear you I am sure! I can also hear the loons lol lol summer in maine O! so lovely. have a wonderful time.
Peggy, I will put on the kettle lol lol :o) make a pot of tea and bring out my lovely tea cake I made just today the recipe I found in a very old "the willow housewife's handbook on cookery" dated 1922. We would enjoy a chat about that one.
best wishes to everyone on this cold wet winters day in Australia
Hi Lee-ann,
I just love the pictures. What kind of work are you having done? The depression glass brought back some wonderful memories. Thanks for sharing.
What a neat collection of goodies in your kitchen. With the 3 kids and our pets, I don't have a collection of anything! You have such an interesting display.
Oh Lee-Ann, Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such lovely comments. I have enjoyed your blog so much, and will continue to visit, your photos are wonderful, and your treasures are just lovely!!! When I saw some of your kitchen items it made me think of my grandmother! Thanks again...Blessings to you....
I hope all your renovations work out even better than you plan. Are you and your husband going to do the work?
Thank you again for your lovely comments everyone I am thrilled to see you all here. enjoy your day!
Alice :o) nope we have those apprentices we pay good money to now to do the hard yakka! lol lol lol but I will supervise! :o)
Lela I think you could say an all over fix up and expansion but it is so important to keep the original style of this miners cottage as it is about 90 years old.
Oh your kitchen is just lovely! I can't wait to see it when you are done with the redo. I love jadeite too :)
Hi Lee-ann.. thanks for dropping by my blog and for your lovely words. :) You have a beautiful family! I will visit often (just remembered to add you to my blogroll).
Hi Lee-ann wow, what can I say about your delightful posts. I love, love, love your kitchenalia and all the wonderful collections you have...I would love to visit you and spend time having a chat and a cuppa and talking about and admiring all your wonderful treasures!
Love your collections, very beautiful!
How lovely this post has been to me, to share with you all a little about myself in the way of my kitchenalia photos.
I have had such lovely comments and I am so pleased to have seen so many of my new friends visit.
Thank you all so much, it has been a little like having an afternoon tea party and you all came.
Again thank you one and all and yes! I will post photos when it is all finished but it will be as old world as it is now I am pleased to say.....but I like it just that way.
Beautiful dishes!
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