Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Is the sky falling??

Yes is the sky falling??
At the moment it feels a little like that..................

So like "Chicken Licken" & "Henny Penny" I have been rushing around a bit too much and now I am sure the sky is falling.
I know everything will be just fine but since working then working some more then the two full days with darling grandchildren helping their mummy & daddy while mummy was the matron of honour at a wedding, going to the wedding with them and then helping Rob's mum last Sunday driving down there & back (three hours) and now working again.......................well anyway you get the picture, If you so much as said BOO!!! to me at the moment for some silly reason I would simply burst into tears yes!!!......I am sure the sky is falling.
But what is truly falling down is the fact that I am unable to visit my friends, my bogger friends at the moment so until I put some props up to hold up the sky I will not be blogging for just the shortest time I am sure.

Love to you all!



Granny said...

You are certainly a busy lady. No fear, I'll be around when you come back.

Carole Burant said...

Awwww we'll hold the sky up for you until you can come visit us:-) Don't you worry, we won't abandon you!! lol It truly does sound like you've been quite a busy lady...hopefully you can have some breathing time soon! xox

Alice said...

Dear Lee-ann - please stop and take a deep breath and then remember that we will all still be here when you have a little more time. No-one is going to forget you whilst you are so busy, but remember to enjoy each day even though it is busy.

Take care and look after yourself, too.

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Gosh, Lee-Ann, I know just where you are coming from. I haven't been blog visiting for the longest time, and I miss it terribly. Hope to get around to everyone in the next couple of days.
Hope you are well.
Take care, Meow

Susan said...

Your life sounds like mine!!! I thought when I got this age life would slow down.....NOT!!! Yet, another myth discredited!!!

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

I hate it too when you get too busy to visit your blogging friends!! We have been gone. My hubby's brother had bi-pass surgery this past Friday the 5th. We traveled up to see him..round trip in our car 2000 miles in just a few days!! WHEW! He is having a time of it. We are fine and looking forward to our blogging babes blast here at my home in Savannah starting this Saturday the 13th through all of next week. Wish you did not live so dog gone far away!! Sandy

Janice said...

Lee Ann, we will wait patiently for you! You are a busy girl! Take care of YOU! xo

Rowan said...

Life gets like that sometimes but don't worry - the sky doesn't really fall on your head, it's just an extra big acorn:) Things will sort themselves out eventually and you will be able to have some time to yourself again.

Susie said...

I always loved that Chicken Little story. Just remember, it's only a fairy tale. Stop, step back, and take a deep breath. You'll get through it all and we'll all be here when you have some blogging time.

Anonymous said...

We certainly all have those days. I sure hope you are smiling again soon. Take good care of yourself.


someone else said...

I hope you're able to catch your breath soon and get some rest.

Mountain Mama said...

I hope things are better for you soon.

Jeanette said...

Hi Lee_Ann,
You Take care and try to get some rest i will be back be here soon as I can, trying to comment from old puter.

Gina E. said...

Thank you for visiting my blog, darling girl! We are in much the same boat, aren't we, albeit for different reasons - you with too much work and me unemployed! Talk soon on the phone, okay?

smilnsigh said...

I hope you are having a nice rest, right now!!!


Raggedy said...


Puss-in-Boots said...

Hey, you just take your time, Lee-ann. You sound totally stressed out and we'll be waiting for when you're good and ready to blog again.

Hugs xoxo

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