Friday, October 19, 2007

"Show & tell" Friday.

Gosh it isn't Friday again is it?? (they are coming around very fast at the moment) but I am so happy to have the time today to visit friends and show & tell a very special treasured piece of mine on this sun filled Friday.
First I must tell you how it all come to be.
Many years ago my Husband and family had a dream of a huge house on top of a hill with cows and lots of room to run around......well our dream was taking shape but the work was hard and the living harder still. we took shelter in tents for over two years while we worked each day on our home. I would dream of many ideas I had for the home but one magazine in particular was so special it was the American country living new to Australia but I would buy each months without this was back in the early 80's that magazine kept me going and helped our dream come true.
One day I had an idea to write to the editor and to tell them how much the magazine meant to me and they in turn popped my letter into the "letters to the editors" in the November 1989 issue.
Well I had so many ladies from the USA contact me wanting to say hi! or to ask me more about Australia it was lovely and I wrote to them all.
But one in particular was so special and it was as if we had known each other all our lives so over the years our friendship had grown and our friendship was as if we were sole sisters always. she with her family visited us and we have visited them over the years.
On that very first visit my dear American friend gave me this gift a treasure I hold dear and will always hold dear forever, this small cross stitched wall quilt.
Each square holds a special meaning for us both, two friends sitting together enjoying the day. Her countries flag and ours as well. four seasons cross stitched like tiny little patch worked quilts.
A little poem that shows how special our friendship is even though we live so far apart. and the year our friendship started.

A little view of their New Hampshire home filled with love and happiness for family and friends.

This is my show and tell a very special friendship & treasure I share with you all today.

So sorry the photos are not good and they look too shaded but I am sure you can see the friendship that is in every stitch.

To my American friend and sole sister can we believe it is almost 18 years since that first letter.

This is my show & tell Friday


Unknown said...

Hi Lee-Anne, You made it just ahead of me on Show and Tell. I hope you are propping up that sky and, in spite of the winds, that it has not yet fallen in.

Love the little quilt. What a beautiful keepsake! Isn't it wonderful how deep friendships can just take off and be sustained across the years! Hope to meet you face to face before too long.

Blessings and bliss

Anonymous said...

What a very special gift. Made from the heart. It is just beautiful.

Take care,

Hootin Anni said...

Absolutely amazing. Great work and what a fabulous story it tells.

Susan said...

Oh what a beautiful quilt, but an even more beautiful story. You two are indeed blessed :o)

Amy ~ (Life's Small Treasures) said...

What an amazing gift! I love the store so heartwarming. Thanks for sharing both.~Amy

ellen b. said...

What a wonderful story and a great treasure to share with us today. Blessings...

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

How special and precious I know this is to you!! I used to cross stitch and loved it until my eyes would no longer handle it!! I love things that people make for me the most.
We have been having a blogging babes blast at my home all week. Stop in and see all the happenings..

LadySnow said...

That is so nice...thank you for sharing. :D

Anonymous said...

That is absolutely wonderful. I can imagine the months that she took to stitch that beautiful treasure and all the thoughts that must have gone out to you and your family as she did so.

How wonderful a friendship that is. You don't find those often. I am glad you both cherish one another. Thank you for sharing that very special gift.

Barbara H. said...

What a sweet gift! I loved the story, too -- it's just amazing to have found a long friendship and "soul sister" from a letter to the editor!

Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts

Susie said...

What a touching story LeeAnn. No wonder you treasure her handmade gift so much.
Sometimes the very best things in our lives have such unexpected beginnings.
Great post!!

nannykim said...

What a wonderful story--I can't believe you camped out for 2 years. We used to camp all summer every summer growing up--but it must have been tons of work to live that way for two years!!

Jean said...

What a wonderful keepsake! The hanging is beautiful in itself but with your story.. PRICELESS!

Mary said...

The quilt is beautiful - a treasure of your friendship. Every stitch holds a measure of love.

Quinne said...

Hi Lee Ann :) That is a darling memory quilt, and I thank you for sharing the precious story that goes with it. Have a blessed wknd! Q

Rose of Sharon said...

That is just so precious and wonderful! How neat that you became such close friends. I think the quilt is really pretty too!

Hugs! Sharon

Tom said...

What a lovely story. Thanks for sharing

Carole Burant said...

Oh Lee-Anne, what a beautiful wall hanging your friend made for you, it's perfect in every way and truly represents a warm, loving friendship from across the sea! Gorgeous!! xox

Meow (aka Connie) said...

That is just gorgeous. Thank you for sharing.
Hope you are well.
Take care, Meow

Puss-in-Boots said...

Lee-ann, what a beautiful wall hanging that your friend made for you. I can see why it's so special for you, something to treasure through the years.

Have a lovely weekend and don't work too hard!


Gina E. said...

What a perfect subject for Show And Tell - unique handmade gift from the heart, and a heart warming story to go with it. Well done, LeeAnn!

Seeb said...

Friendship is a treasure that can't be measure,wherever you are.
Can you come and help me with choosing price for her artworks.thanks before hand.

Alice said...

What an absolute treasure. I know the feeling of connecting with someone across the world and being 'soul sisters'. I can well imagine how much you treasure that beautiful memento of your friendship, and how you value the actual friendship even more.

Thank you, Lee-ann, for sharing this lovely part of your life with us.

Val said...

What a lovely story about a friendship, and it's so beautifully symbolised by the cross stitching. I too hope you can one day meet face to face. Speaking of which, we must organise to meet once you are free of work and renovation commitments!

Vintage to Victorian said...

Hi Lee-Ann - It's me again! As you can see, I'm enjoying catching up with all your posts. I was just wondering if you ever wrote to the magazine again to say that you're still in touch with your friend.

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