Monday, November 05, 2007

treasure I have found! to love......

I do wish I could put photos up tonight but they just will not do the right thing for me so will have to try that part of this post a bit later.

It is so lovely to find a little treasure, to bring it home knowing it will just be so lovely there or even over there, well yesterday We visited our mother (Rob's mum) down in Frankston and a visit there is for me a time never to miss a little look at the second hand shop "savers" well I am never disappointed that is for sure.

Yesterday I brought home a beautiful Royal Albert trio (teacup, saucer and plate) and paid the sum of $7.00 for it. Also several pieces of embroidered linen to be popped on my eBay auctions and a couple pieces for......well she & they can remain a mystery for now :)

I also like to sell new bathes for bigger woman on eBay and I found a couple of almost new but very very nice bathes so they will go well I am sure.

Then there was the two vintage hats!!! OM GOSH!! I could not decide which one I wanted and when the girl at the check out said hats are half price today that settled it!! I will have both. lol lol lol (sure you will said hubby!!)

More yet I also love to sell dress or craft patterns they are beautiful and I got some very old ones yesterday along with some beehive topped knitting needles splendid!! I said they can come home too.

But...............the best thing of all was an adorable home made pillow that has been stitched in red work and then made up as part of a patchwork cushion. the pattern is a basket of flowers and I just love it. So it must have been left at the store no longer loved but just waiting there for me to come along and take it hope so that it could take pride of place on a garden seat when the sun shines and it is time to sit out under the pear tree and have a cup of tea and dream of days to come and those that have filled my life so far.

If I do not visit over the next couple of weeks please! PLEASE! understand......we are going to be grandparents again on the 23rd of Nov. our little grandbaby will be born right there on her daddies birthday and three days after mine :) so I am going to be looking after her big brother and sister for a few day until she and her mummy come home from the hospital.

Our daughter and Her beautiful children. Here she was matron of honour at her dear friends wedding just a few weeks go.

I will add some more lovely photos of "my finds" to this post the moment blogger lets me.

This is my Monday - How is yours???


Miss Robyn said...

dear, dear Lee_ann, thankyou so much, from the bottom of my heart for your delightful comment. I am so glad that you said hello from behind the garden wall... enjoy your new grandbaby when she/he? is born.
sending love from the Mts. xoxo

Susie said...

Hi LeeAnn,
I was so glad you stopped by to visit. Loved reading about all your finds! Now tell me what are "bathes for bigger women"?
Couldn't guess without a picture, and I know blogger has been a beast lately!!
Your daughter looks just radiant. I know you're very eager to meet the newest grand! We'll miss you, but totally understand where you need to be!!

Melli said...

Ohhhh LeeAnn! You MUST post pictures of the HATS! I can not WAIT to see them!!! Congratulations on all of your finds!

Sharon said...

I would love to see the pictures of the bathers for bigger women........You will be busy with the little ones and then you get one wonderful take care ans enjoy.

Alice said...

Sounds like a very rewarding day of Op Shopping, Leanne.

BTW, did you remember to visit Rob's Mum?

Peggy said...

congrats on the new grandbaby. I am waiting on Irene to get back to me with her mailing info for the stocking swap. When she does I will send it to you

Leslie: said...

I do hope all goes well for your daughter and the new baby. I'm so excited about my own 2nd grandchild coming next March, so I can totally understand your feelings right now. I'm in a bit of a quandry like Susie in that I have no idea what you mean by "bathes for bigger women." Hopefully you'll be able to post photos again soon.

Puss-in-Boots said...

Congratulations on becoming a grandmother again, Lee-ann! What fun and what lovely news. It's lovely to have a new baby in the family.

My daughter and my neighbour would be green over the Royal Albert trio. They're both fans of trash and treasure markets.

Sounds like you had a wonderful! Good for you...

Take care.

Jeanette said...

Hi Lee-Ann. Congratulations on the impending arrival of your new Grandbaby, Sounds like you have a wonderfull time at savers getting all those bargains, and the Royal Albert trio $7.00 Wow that is a bargain... Take care warm hugs your way ,,,, Jen

Dawn said...

My goodness, it's been a long time since we spoke. Thanks so much for coming by and giving me such kind words!

I can hardly wait to see pictures of your treasures - I don't ever go and search for such, but I know many who do and who are rewarded for their patience.

YOur daughter looks so cute in her maternity wedding attire! Have a great time with the grands and the new one. My daughter is going to have twins! - two more girls! So there will be 4 girls 5 and under - and a boy 9. YIKES!! You can read about her trauma with this pregnancy at her site, Mama's So-Called Life --

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful time picking out your treasures. I so much enjoy shopping at our antique malls. Even the smallest things can be appreciated by the right person. I feel like we are giving these items another chance.

I wish you and your daughter all the best with the birth of your new grandbaby. I am sure the excitement is building. What a nice Christmas present for everyone in the family.


Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

hey there lee-ann! This is my Wednesday night..been in bed with a bad headache now for a couple of days. I think that I am on the mend now!! WHEW I hope so at least!!
Doesn't it aggravate you when blogger will not let you post pictures? I hate that!!
Take care. SAndy

Rowan said...

Love;y photo of your daughter and grandchildren - she looks wonderful. You did well at the secondhand shop too, pity about no photos yet, especially of the hats, but one or two people seem to be having the same problem.

Gina E. said...

Hi LeeAnn,
You did well at Savers down South! Greensborough doesn't have much linen stuff at all these days, although they do get a lot of fine China (and put a fine price on it to match, lol). I wonder who that linen can be for? In the meantime, I'd better check your eBay site in case I miss something!
Ken's Mum was asking after you when she was here on Cup Day - said to give you both her love.

Raggedy said...

Congratulations on becoming a grandmother again! How exciting!
It sounds like you found some lovely treasures. I hope you can post pictures soon.
Your daughter looks stunning in the photo.
Have a wonderful weekend!
(=':'=) huggles
(")_ (")Š from
the Cool Raggedy one

Raggedy said...

The children are adorable!

Annie Jeffries said...

I love your comment about large size baths (robes, did you mean?) Anyway, I went to eBay and found a full length, pink, chanille, wrap around robe in my size. Awesome. Hope I win. Thanks for the reminder about eBay.

Peggy said...

I have emailed your swap partner. If I don't hear from her in the next couple of days I will give you a new partner. I hope she is ok.

It's you know who! said...

Congrations! Beautiful daughter and kids btw. :)

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