(poppi and the newest member of our family Adelaide Rose)
Yes free at last and here I am sharing a few of our Christmas photos I just have not had a moment to share before this.
Full time Work over the Christmas, New year is now over and while I loved every moment of each day I am so pleased to now find myself without much to do.
Adelaide's big sister & brother Florence & Jesse at our home on Christmas day.

Adelaide with her mummy, our daughter Amanda.

grandson Jack he wants to be a rock star! just look what he got for Christmas Our son's darling boy.

Poppi and grandson Sam, it took poppi about 20min's to get those cars out of the packing after Christmas lunch. Sam is Jack's big brother.
We had only five of our grandchildren for Christmas dinner this year but visited the other four over Christmas will show & tell more family photos after.
I am looking forward to visiting friends around the world and catching up on all the news.
We have had some rain over the past four weeks and some of our garden is surviving as best it can and lots have not.
The very harmful elm beetle has arrived and done a lot of damage to our huge trees. We are going to have to work fast to save them and thanks to Gina & Ken from
Patra's place we have the right information now to fight them off.
One little treasure from our garden came here under very sad circumstances...........a family could no longer pay for their home and my husband was asked to go and clean the building up for re-sale while he was there a truck came to clear away the whole garden taking it back to bare earth. The driver of the bob cat said if he wanted any plats he should get them as they were heading for the tip.
Well Rob and our apprentices rushed around getting what they could and when they came home he re-planted them into our garden we feel we have saved something special from a family who I am sure tried very hard to make a lovely home for their family.

however you know as beautiful as this plant is I have no idea what it is.

So...............can you help, can you put a name to this stunning plant.
I am so pleased to be here again today and look forward to renew friendships and have a good old fashioned chat with you all!
This is my wonderful Thursday!!
Happy New Year to you, Lee-ann, and all of your family. It certainly will be a happy one with a lovely new grandaughter.
So sad about the family losing their home, and also sad to hear that the garden was destroyed so ruthlessly. Glad your man was able to rescue what I at first thought was an Amarylis, but may be a daylily. Do you remember if it was a bulb or just a plant with roots?
It's good that it's now bringing you pleasure, and I hope the then homeless family have now found somewhere to live.
Just checked a couple of photos, Lee-ann, and now I would say it's definitely Amaryllis (hippeastrum).
Welcome back! Glad you had a wonderful but busy holiday. Your grandchildren are precious
Yeap definitely an Amarylis!! I do not grown them really well here but some people do. Course you have it in a pot so that works better. Some can grown them in our sandy clay soil but NOT ME!!
I love your pictures of your grands and Christmas!! I have missed you.
So glad to have you back. thanks for visiting me.
Blessings from Georgia USA..
Congrats on the new grandbaby. What a joy!!!
Your family is beautiful...I love the pictures...so much love.
Adelaide is what life is all about.
Thank you for visiting me, I do need help,Thank You!....I was skinny all my life and the past few years I have piled on the pounds. First it was my Thyroid, and then it was bad habbits.
I can't belive you are so far away...but now you are in my living room...I just love it!
Hugs, Mary
What a lovely family you have! Those babies/children are gorgeous. Oh, and did you say you did not have much to do? Hah, well someone tagged me and I had to tag some people back, so I'm tagging you! Lucky you! lol :)
Happy New Year Lee-Ann.
Congratulations on the arrival of your beautiful Granddaughter Adelaide Rose..
The flower you have been able to rescue is definitely a Amarylis Hippeastrum as I have one the same growing,, ((((HUGS))))Jen
Congratulations Grandma and Grandpa!! She's a little beauty, and what a pretty name! I'm glad you had a wonderful Christmas with your family, and now have a little free time to yourself after working so hard.
So sad to lose a home...and how terrible to demolish the garden! The rescued Amaryllis is gorgeous! Lucky you. I'm so glad it wasn't destroyed and that it's now under your loving care.
Hello Lee-ann, it's good to see you back with some beautiful photos of your lovely family.
Poppi looks in love with his newest little granddaughter...lol!
That beautiful flower is a hippeastrum, they flower in October up here and are sometimes known as October lilies. They come all different colours from a vibrant pure red to white.
Congratulations Lee-ann to you, poppi, and the new parents. She is a little darling. We've finally had confirmation that my daughter is expecting a girl in about 6 1/2 weeks. We're all so excited that little 4-year-old Noah will be having a baby sister. The perfect little family.
Have a wonderful New Year Lee-ann! Your daughter is a beauty and what sweet children she has.
What a lovely baby! I have no grandchildren at all yet - can't wait! It's always nice to read about your happy family.
beautiful family and definatly an Amarylis
That is the biggest, most beautiful amaryllis I have ever seen. In fact, I think it's the only one I've ever seen outside of a pot. I'm always amazed by how fast they grow--you can almost catch them at it!
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