Yes at last the days of a few short weeks are coming and going very fast until the "Vintage English high tea" on the 28th of June will arrive.
We are supporting the starlight children's foundation they help a little child's wish come true and put a little fun in their lives.
some of the vintage china trios for the high tea.
I am putting on what I hope will be a lovely afternoon for many ladies of the lodge and the town and family and friends as well. (only ladies of course)
I wish you could all come on over and join us you know each and everyone of you would be welcome. here is your invitation.........
Inside page
(click on to make bigger to read)
The invitations are now all out and I hope they were pleased with them, then there is the entertainment and the drinks (lots of tea = lots of teapots) then there is the food and the tablecloths and the vintage tea sets, the raffle prizes and so on and so forth!! (its ok! she Say's I can cope)
I look forward to the day and having lots of fun it has been a big job taking up much of my already busy days and nights but to have my dear friends and family and the dear ladies from our small town all gathered in the one spot being served by the men will be a good thing and a happy time.

I have found many wonderful raffle prizes and gifts from around the world over the past months and all I can say is "bless the Internet" it helps hunt out the best of the best.
We are all well here one of our daughters and her husband and the three grandchildren are in Fiji on holidays and are having a wonderful time, our oldest son and his two sons are enjoying Aussie football at the moment and look forward to each weekend. they play like chaps. Our other daughter and her husband and two grandchildren are getting ready to renovate their home it will be stunning she is a very modern lady, and the youngest son and his partner and our two darling grandchildren are doing fine working hard and the children are growing fast.
I must say one more thing here today: last Tuesday was my dear fathers birthday he would have been 78 so I want to share that I whispered "happy birthday" to him many times that day and I know he could hear from heaven he just couldn't tell me so!
I love you dad - I miss you!
I Do hope this finds your hearts singing and your days filled with love.
Lee-Ann! You're BACK. Hurrah. Your high tea is going to be so fun and exciting. My daughter and I enjoyed it regularly when she was in high school. Now Don and I do it when we travel. In fact, HE is the one who looks for tearooms. Is that cute or what? I look forward to seeing your pictures and a report of the day afterwards. Hugs, Annie
oh man! I wanna come to TEA! Does this tea include fancy dresses and white gloves and hats and patent leather shoes??? Ohhhhh I wanna come! I have always wanted to attend High Tea! The HIGHER the better!!! You guys have fun! Lee-Ann - YOU have double fun - for me!!!
Hi LeeAnn,
So lovely to see a post from you. You've been so very busy organizing that tea. Wish I could be there in person but I enjoyed seeing all your photos of what you've done.
Enjoy all that the day brings and take lots of pictures!
Oh, I want to come for tea!! Those lovely tea cups look so pretty all lined up on the table. I'm sure it will be a wonderful day for everyone who is invited.
Hi Lee-Ann, I would love to come along to the tea party with some girlfriends from Daylesford - are there still some places?
Love Allison x
Lee-Ann: I have missed you!! I think everyone has missed you!! What a beautiful array of tea cups and saucers!! you must be in HEAVEN with planning this.
Did you make the invitations? if so they are wonderful!!
hope all is going well in your part of the world.
My invitation has arrived and is sitting on the dining room table - I love it! Ken was also impressed, but disappointed that it was only for me. "Why aren't I invited too?" he wanted to know, and I said because it is Girls Only, but if he wanted to come and help Rob and the guys serve us, he would be most welcomed I'm sure. No fear, mate.
I came over to check up on you, and there you were! I would love to be at your lovely event - wouldn't that be fun??
So how much fun are you going t have? Even more than you expect, I'm sure.
Lovely to hear news of all the family and their activities, too.
Have a fantastic afternoon tea - I'll be with you in spirit.
BTW, I'm sure I recognised some of my cups and saucers on your table....when did you call and collect them?....lol.
How very fun and exciting and a wonderful cause. You know, if it wasn't so far (hee hee) I'd be there!!!
That sounds like fun! I know that because I've been to many such teas,usually put on by a church, and the men serve the ladies. There are mini fashion shows, musical entertainment, door prizes (I've never one! boo hoo!), and lots of great eats. Have a wonderful time! Wish I could join you.
Hi Lee-Ann!
What beautiful invitations and for such a wonderful cause.
And I just know your Dad hears your Happy Birthday wishes :)
It seems that I am not the only one who has been out of the blogging world for a while, I hope your illness is a thing of the past now. Your high tea sounds a delightful idea, if you are busy organizing that it's no wonder you don't have much time to blog:) The china in the photo is so pretty, what a pleasure it will be for everyone to use these pretty things.
Hi Lee-Ann!
Love all your vintage china, and hope you have a great high Tea and Raise a nice sum of money.. for the foundation...
Nice, and that cake looks yummy too! :)
Hi Lee-Ann, I sent my (regretful) apologies by email, wonder if you've received it (at your old email address?). I also suggested I send along a donation with Gina, along with maybe a silly cardboard replica of myself. Have you changed your email address? I can be reached at
va dot forbes at gmail dot com
(yep, no "l" in the address)
HI Lee-Ann, I sent you an email a week or so ago ... I wonder whether you received it ?? (Have you got a different email address ??) I wanted to apologise that I won't be able to make it to the tea ... but thank you so much for asking. Hope to catch up again another time. Hope it all goes wonderfully. Love and hugs, Connie
Oh, you've thought of everything. Such beautiful dishes and the invitation alone will get everyone in the mood for tea. I know you'll have a full house of delighted ladies. I wish I could attend too.
Hi Lee-Ann. I hope your afternoon tea for the Starlight Foundation was a raging success!
It's good to visit and see you're still blogging and telling us of your very interesting life.
Glad all is well in your world.
High tea........what a wonderful time you will have. I love all the china that will be uses by all. Take pictures to share with us and most of all enjoy the day.
All looks really lovely....pity the washer upper tho...hope you had a brilliant day....
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