Wednesday, October 31, 2007

October 31st "HALLOWEEN" at our place!

The Images of Halloween!
at our home!
Waiting for the ghosts, princesses, monsters & many others from our little town to visit tonight. while we do not have many who do come "out in the dark" those how do love to visit here.

Our decorations are old and are dusted off and set up for just one day! when the grandchildren are older they too will enjoy the fun too!
I adore pumpkins and this wild werewolf.
My little hand stitched witch and orange candles set the scene for the black sherbet bombs under the dead orange roses for "trick & treat"
a wise owl and a scarecrow look after a bunch of dried up yellow roses "very Halloween" don't you think??
My lovely vintage Halloween cat!

And the same aged vintage Halloween paper witch!

This is our outside gates banner telling "trick & treaters" we are happy to give a treat and a safe place to visit.

Happy Halloween to all our friends out there on this black out for the Boohoo! or the blood curdling scream! it just might be me!! lol lol lol lol!

HALLOWEEN=FUN! down here in Australia too!


LBP said...

I love your vintage Halloween decorations!

Happy Halloween!


Melli said...

Lee-Ann, those decorations are FABULOUS! I knew immediately HOW old they are - because I remember some just like them from when I was small! It's truly amazing that yours are in such good shape! Those little papers are so delicate.... WONDERUL!

Have you been to my house? Did you knock on ALL my doors? Did you get your treats??? HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

Carole Burant said...

Happy Halloween dear Lee-Ann:-) I so love all your vintage Halloween decorations and how I'd love to be able to come trick or treat at your house!! Hope your day was filled with lots of treats! xoxo

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

I recognize those "older" Halloween decorations also just like Melli...even though she is tons younger than me!! smile.
You have already had Halloween and we are just starting here!! So odd!! I always think that is special when I think about the BIG time difference. Nice to see you blog again. I miss it when you are gone. Sandy

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Lee-Ann, Happy Halloween..thank you for sharing your decorations. They are so festive! Susan

Cape Cod Washashore said...

Fabulous Halloween decorations! I love the crepe paper cat! Happy Halloween!

Susie said...

I'd love to stop in for a treat and enjoy all your decor Lee Ann! Have a Happy Halloween!

Peggy said...

happy halloween. Hope you had fun with the trick or treaters

Gina E. said...

Oh LeeAnn, you are a treat! I bet the locals just love coming there to see all your decorations! I completely forgot about Halloween this year; I usually have bags of lollies, and a spooky mask to wear when the door knocking starts, but this year...a bunch of teens climbed all the steps to our front door and were very disappointed not to have anything put in their goodies bag. They whined about the steps all the way down, lol.

Rowan said...

Hope you had a Happy Halloween, those vintage decorations are interesting, as far as I know there are no vintage Halloween things to collect over here, the only person I know who decorates the house for Halloween is me!

Janet said...

Am I too late? I'm still out trick or treating around the blogs. There are so many to visit!

Your vintage decorations are just wonderful. Happy Halloween!!!

Janice said...

I really love the vinatage decorations...they bring back a lot of memories! :o) Everything looks festive and colorful...a treat for the eyes!

Puss-in-Boots said...

What lovely Halloween decorations, Lee-ann and very thoughtful of you to indicate you have treats and a safe place for children to visit.

Jeanette said...

Hi Lee-Ann.
Love your fun vintage decorations, now they are old, and how nice to let the kids know you have a "safe" house to visit..

Raggedy said...

Those were fabulous. They brought back some memories for me.
Thank you!
Have a wonderful Weekend!
(=':'=) huggles
(")_ (")Š from
the Cool Raggedy one

Anonymous said...

Love all your decorations. Looks like a very friendly place to get some treats.
Hope you had a wonderful holiday.

Take care,

Kerri said...

How nice that you celebrate Halloween along with us yankies :)
I'm so glad I popped over to catch up on your posts. Your decorations are wonderful and your little backdoor garden has such pretty blooms.
You've been a busy girl LeeAnn!
Me too, which is why I haven't been visiting my favorite blog friends as often as I'd like to. Hope you have time to slow down and enjoy the springtime very soon!

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

An aussie in Florida, USA... even living here I find it hard getting use to Halloween... though I live in a street where there aren't many kids... I took my nephew once... it was fun... dentist loved me though

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