Christmas means Hope, Love and Peace.
May these blessings be yours each day, to brighten your journey all the way & all the days of your lives.
This time of year you will always find me lost in thoughts! thinking about those who are missing from our family parade, those who are not with us but resting in peace and in happiness forever.

So thinking about my dad, my grandfather, my grandmother and auntie's always brings back bright moments from memories past and Happy days long gone.
Christmas day traditions in our family was Dad cooked the turkey! mum made the stuffing and all the trimmings it was wonderful and no matter how hot the day was the dinner was enjoyed by young and old alike. gifts were given and with five of us in the family growing up that was a lot of wrapping paper!
This year I am thinking also of those I never knew, but who came before me in the family, ladies like myself who I have seen in old family picture albums but know very little about.
Did they cook a huge hot Christmas dinner? and like me did they love the potatoes roasted crisp and mashed into the gravy? did they cook a great plum pudding like my grandmother? gosh how did they keep cool in those long full dresses in the middle of a summer Christmas.
Below are just a few of those vintage ladies that I know very little about but know they are family. I just wish they would walk in my back door! right now!! I have so many questions to ask them.

A sister of above another auntie

That dress must have been so hot to live in, what would she say if she could see me in my shorts right now!

Another relative from my family trees past.

And yes again I must show you my Great grandmother.

I have been missing from my blog for several weeks but find myself missing you all and wanting this very day to come back and read all the blogs I adore, hoping I will find you all happy and well.
Blessings to all this Friday - My Friday in Australia
Those photos are fantastic! Isn't it amazing how women dressed back then, and just think of the discomfort in the hot weather. Yuk! I think they might be envious of you in your shorts!
Your Christmas traditions sound so wonderful. I hope you have a holiday season filled with Hope, Love and Peace, too.
Yes you have been missing and I have missed you!! I know this is a busy time of the year but i still miss reading what you are doing.
i am all done here and was done quickly this year. We had to cut back. Hope that you have a wonderful Christmas.
I have a lot of pictures of people in my family that i never knew too. Someday i am going to be scrapbooking all of them to keep. Sandy
Good Morning Pear Tree Cottage,
Thank you so much for stopping by yesterday. I enjoyed your visit and look forward to you returning. It is so nice to meet you. I love meeting new people and getting aquainted with them. I love all the old photos you displayed. I don't have any of my own, but my Mother does. Just this past Tuesday night, I seen a picture of my Dad from back in 1958. He was on the Fire Department and the picture was of my Dad and the other Firemen. It was so nice to see an old photo like that. Someone is suppose to have copies made and hopefully I will get one. I may just have to share it with everyone when I do. I am a very family oriented person. Family comes first. I truly love my hubby and our 2 daughters. My hubby is my best friend also. We share and talk about everything from past to present things. He is a truck driver and is gone alot, so when he is home, I really enjoy being with him. I can't even begin to fathom the thought of those women wearing those dark colored long dresses way back then. But you know, even tho it was hot, I don't think it was like the hot we have now. I've heard my Mom tell stories about her younger days and them not having air-conditioning. I don't think I could have survived it back then. LOL. And, I think they had what they call Ice Boxes back then. It kept things cool. I remember hearing my Mom talk about those as well. Well, take care my friend and have a great Friday. May God Bless You and Yours. Thanks again for stopping by. Hope you will come back again.
Hugs from Arkansas,
Karen H.
I loved seeing the photos of ladies from your family! Thank you for sharing your family Christmas traditions as well. :)
Hi LeeAnn,
It's wonderful to see you post again. How is that beautiful new grand baby?
Loved seeing all those vintage photos. They would certainly have some wonderful stories to tell if we could talk to them..
I'm bundled up here in "sunny" CA as it's quite cold today. Enjoy your shorts weather!
Hi LeeAnn, so good to see you back posting. It's a wonder you're back at all what with the new grandchild in your life and all. But I love this post about Christmas past and present. I have photos like that, too, but my grandmother spent her Christmas back East in Moncton New Brunswick and on the prairie, so she was all bundled up for the cold and snow. I'm all set for the big day now but before that I'm looking forward to having my almost 4-year-old grandson come and sleep over one night. I'm taking him to see my former school's Christmas pageant and then maybe take him on the bus downtown to see the displays at Canada Place. We're going to have such fun & of course, I'll take lots of photos. Have a wonderful day. :D
Dear LeAnne- We are still on the same wavelenght. Your call thrilled me beyond words. Your warm and cheery voice is a treasure. If I could I would put it in a shell to listen to at any moment.
The photos of your kinswomen are such a blessing for you to have. They look strong and hardy yet adorned with touches of femininity with their flowers and lace.
Your Great-grandmother is beautiful in her apron as she stands smiling surrounded by beavertail cacti.
I think I will have more room this year for reflecting on those who are not here anymore. Last year was just too soon after mom's death. This year though my brother and I will be spending a day together. I think we will be talking and remembering our parents a lot that day.
Warm wishes,
Hi Lee-ann, Love all your well preserved vintage photo's of your family, Ohh they must have been so hot in those long dresses,
I feel the same way about thinking of lost members of my family, My dearest Hubby 3 years ago and my Btother 3 months ago , Mum 10 years and a sister 8 years ago. I wish you the most wonderful xmas ever... im having xmas dinner with my Daughter then the rest of the family arriving boxing day for a few weeks.
Hi, its been some time since I popped by to read your posts..Your photos are just great, My family have dozens of pictures just like yours and unfortunately we don't know who a lot of them are, but some sure show family resemblances..and like you say I don't know how they could possibly have worn those garments in our Aussie summers I have a bad enough time sitting in air conditioning comfort...
Hope you enjoy your Christmas Turkey...Happy Christmas to you down In Victoria
You have such a unique way of looking at things, LeeAnn - I never really thought much about what my over-dressed ancestors did on Christmas Day in the Australian summer!!
I love old pictures, I've got some neat tin ones I bought at a flea market, but my question is why would a family get rid of those? I could never do that! Well, at least they'll be treasured even if I don't know who they are lol.
You're lucky to have some of your actual family! :)
Such lovely old photos, it would be wonderful to sit and have a visit with the loved ones in them.
It was nice to hear from you again, Merry Christmas!
How blessed you are to have these old pictures. I have a few of my ancestors too and cherish them.
I had too smile at your question about what she whoud think if she could see you in your shorts. She would think you were a shameless floozie! LOL
They didn't even show their forearms back then to anyone but their husband.
What a wonderful way to approach Christmas, I'm the same to an extent as every year I remember the Christmas's of my childhood and all the gatherings at my gran's house on Christmas afternoon.
You aren't alone in being absent from blogland, I've only done a couple of posts in recent weeks, just too much else going on. Am hoping to climb back on the wagon in the next few days. Happy Christmas!
Hi Lee-ann, good to see you posting again.
What fabulous photos of your ancestors and I too, wonder how they coped in our climate with those clothes. Not to mention no airconditioning, fridges or the mod cons that we have. They were certainly pioneer ladies, weren't they?
I hope you and your family have a wonderful and blessed Christmas, Lee-ann. xoxo
What wonderful photos ... must've been difficult times to live in, I think.
Just dropping by to say HI, and to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.
Take care, hugs, Meow
Hi LeeAnn, just dropping by to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!
May the joy that comes with Christmas Day remain with you throughout the year!! Merry Christmas dear friend. xoxo
Wish I had really old photos of my relatives/ancestors... merry christmas...
Lee-ann - I swear I've got those top 2 ladies in my bundle of ancestors' photos too. They're almost certainly not, but they do look so similar!
Good luck with your research - I did so much a few years ago but have no time these days. It's great fun though, isn't it.
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