Rob & I went to 58 events in 12 days so forgive me if I just pop photos here to show a little of what we were doing but catching up on sleep! rest! and family at the moment (smiles)

winning artists work for this is truly stunning!

flooded river during festival

on parade day our coach!

walking the streets of our town

visiting the alpaca show at the show grounds

giving out prizes

some of the parade festivities

daffodils still bloom every spot you can see in
golden joy!

the flower show.....and the winning bloom is!

SO! many to choose from

windows done up for the festival

night of the crowning of the us all

floats in parade

checking out the displays in the streets

king waling the streets with one of the prince and princess

my display at the church -
celebration of flowers show

kyneton street
More to come - photos that is and a good long chat soon.
this is my Monday! loving that I am about to leave to go visit grandchildren today.
Hi Lee Ann,
Great pictures!! Looks like you had tons of fun!!
Patricia :o)
Oh, Lee-Ann!!
I smiled through the whole thing!! The pictures tell the most wonderful story, and you all ARE Royalty!! Fairy Tales do come true.
And the flowers!! It's difficult to realize that Spring is springing where you live, as our leaves ease their way downward and the air chills a bit.
I just loved this---can't wait for more. I'd love to know the local story of the float which looks like Villain-Foreclosing-on the-Farm.
Have a wonderful time with your GRANDS!!
Lee-ann welcome back to blogland! I am so glad your husband is doing better, Great photos and you look like you make a great King and Queen!!
Congrats on the honour of being chosen King and Queen-it looks like you had a lot of fun.
omigosh. What a several days you had. I got a kick out of the stagecoach. Yours says Royal Mail on the side. Ours would have said Pony Express. I'll love reading the stories eventually to go with some of the pictures. In the meanwhile, rest up!
Delightful. Thanks for your every so sweet comment today. Made me smile and my heart sing!!!
I'm so intrigued and delighted by your Royalty Tour, that I will be linking it to Lawn Tea today, with your permission.
Hope I catch you before you go to your slumbers, and will post as soon as you let me know.
Happy Spring!!
I am sooo sorry I missed this! I just know that you two must have been the best King and Queen of the Festival since it began! I bet all the grand kids were lapping up every minute! Next up - Moomba - lol! Rob is looking REALLY well, so good to see after a year of terrible stress for both of you.
Hope to catch up with you before Christmas - it's coming so fast! Keep a weekend free for us and we'll come up there.
Just wanted to let you know I did a little blog piece on your Royal Tour on Lawn Tea today.
Looking forward to hearing more about it, and so glad you're back!
Oh does look like a lot of fun. Loved seeing all the smiling faces!!!
And the daffodils are vry pretty too.
Thanks for visiting my Witch Doll in the making today!! Much appreciated.
Lee-Ann, it's so nice to see you again...!
I love the photos here. And, you lucky duck, it's spring there...!
Your floral display is wonderful.
Well done, your majesties...a stunning display and loads of fun was had by all!
This story warms my heart. How wonderful!
Rachel directed me to you for a visit. It is very nice to meet you.
Did you add more photos? I don't remember seeing some of these. I'd love to visit this festival!! Looks like so much fun.
Patricia :o)
PS: Thank you so much for your lovely comments and blessings. You are so sweet!!
Lee-ann, how lovely to hear from you! Your very special news about Rob's diagnosis of freedom from cancer is a joy to hear. Praise the Lord!
And...congratulations Your Majesties! What a lovely honour to have bestowed upon you, and very well deserved.
The festivities look like such fun. I'll bet the kids had a ball. What a whirlwind of activities! You must be tired.
The winning artist's work truly is stunning. Really beautiful!
I hope your daffys are still blooming gloriously.
Happy spring! Isn't it wonderful?
Lovely daffodils! I just found your blog from Vintage Linen Treasures, and was happy to see those little brihgt little yellow flower faces....I live in the States, and everything is starting to turn brown here.
I was very intrigued by your genealogy post....I'm trying to study my own family right now, and just spent yesterday taking pictures of some family graves. Isn't it fascinating to learn about the people who came before us?
This is an inspiring montage of photos! As you know in the PNW of the US it is flower bulb planting time right now! And your pictures have me very excited to get out and get planting. (and maybe even getting a few more bags) But first I need to attend to my cucumber and tomato harvest this week!
Good to see that everyone is doing well! Hooray!
I loved this peek at a far away world. The daffs are gorgeous and the festival looks like so much fun.
Thanks for sharing this!
All joys to you,
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
Hi, you have a really nice blogg. :)
This comment is really connected to an older post. I'm wondering if you know anything about Jamboree (designer, year of design etc.)? Thanks!
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