The books in our home.
Fill our hearts with much joy,
They can teach us so much or even make us cry!
Yet we are happy to keep buying more
So we can read lots, and lots more.
It truly is a wonder that I have room to think!
There is always a new books to spend time with!
And just know today what that one is.
It's arriving by post at noon time I think.
If you have hunted a book for days even weeks
When you finally find it, let the fun begin!
It will be heading your way soon and the excitement is strong!
I know I will enjoy it this is a good one'
AND when it arrives the unwrapping begun!
I am excited to see it, Yes it's the one
Today it's an unusual book and I will learn a lot.
It's Called;
Cemeteries our heritage
Edited by Celestina Sagazio.
I am very excited to start on page one!
The development of the lesson begins!

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